- 2023年秋季班研讨班开课计划2023-09-05
- 数苑名家讲坛:On The Existence of Multi-dimensional Compressible MHD Contact ...2023-08-15
- 中心综合报告会:Nonabelian integrable systems and their Hamiltonian structure...2023-08-05
- 优秀校友系列报告:图论中的几个经典问题2023-07-12
- 优秀校友系列报告:Uniformly estimates for 2-Hessian equations2023-07-12
- 中心综合报告会:Hessian estimates for the sigma-2 equation in dimension four2023-07-08
- 中心综合报告会:Ablowitz-Ladik lattice and coupled Ablowitz-Ladik lattice equ...2023-06-05
- 中心综合报告会:Asymptotic behavior of a semi-linear problem with long time ...2023-06-01
- 中心综合报告会:Uniform shear flow via the Boltzmann equation with hard pote...2023-06-01
- 中心综合报告会:The forward self-similar solution of fractional incompressibl...2023-06-01
- 中心综合报告会:Dynamical Behaviour Solutions of Some Diffusion Problems2023-05-08
- 中心综合报告会:A Mean-Field Optimal Control Approach to the Training of Neur...2023-04-25
- 中心综合报告会:From the B-Toda to the BKP hierarchy2023-04-03
- 中心综合报告会: Mathematics for wab-like patterns of solitary in waves in s...2023-04-03
- 2023年春季研讨班开课计划2023-03-23
- 中心综合报告会:Existence of global solutions to the nonlocal Schrodinger equ...2023-03-22
- 中心综合报告会:非线性方程中的对称性2023-03-22
- 中心综合报告会:可积深度学习(Integrable Deep Learning )---PINN based on Miura...2023-03-22
- 中心综合报告会:Rogue waves and their patterns in vector NLS equation2023-03-13
- 中心综合报告会:Energy transfer and Generalized Fermi's GoldenRuleinHamiltoni...2023-03-02