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2005.09---2009.07 陕西师范大学数学与信息科学学院 博士

2001.09---2004.07 陕西师范大学数学与信息科学学院 硕士

1997.09---2001.07 陕西师范大学数学与信息科学学院 学士


20019.04至今 西北大学数学学院 教授


2015.01.16---2015.02.15 香港中文大学数学研究所访问

2003.04---2019.04 西北大学数学学院 副教授

2004.07---2013.04 西北大学数学学院 讲师

2010.12---2014.03 西北大学 数学博士后科研流动站 博士后


l). 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目, 11501445, 基于算子空间的微分流形及非线性偏微分方程的研究, 2016/01-2018/12,  21.16 万元,已结题, 主持;

2). 陕西省科技厅科研计划项目,可压缩常粘性系数的非牛顿流动力学方程组解的适定性,(2012JQ1020),2012.01---2014.12,已结题,主持;

3). 国家自然科学基金数学专项,量子系统与C*-代数上的完全正映射(11026134)2011.1---2011.12,  已结题,主持;

4). 国家自然科学面上基金项目,流体力学方程组中若干问题的研究(11671319), 2017.1---2020.12 48万元, 已结题,参与;

5). 国家自然科学面上基金项目, 11571279, 流体力学方程组中的若干奇异极限问题, 2016/01-2019/12,  50 万元, 已结题, 参与


[1]Fang, Li; Zang, Aibin. Global existence of strong solutions to the Cauchy problem for a one-dimensional compressible non-Newtonian fluid. J. Math. Fluid Mech. 25(2023),no. 1, Paper No. 15, 37 pp.

[2]Fang, Li; Zhao, Yugang; Guo, Zhenhua. Stationary solutions to a compressible non-Newtonian fluid with general boundary conditions. J. Math. Phys. 63(2022),no. 12, Paper No. 121511, 19 pp.

[3]Fang, Li; Guo, Zhenhua. Global weak solutions to a three-dimensional compressible non-Newtonian fluid. Commun. Math. Sci. 20(2022),no. 6, 17031733.

[4]Pan, Jie; Fang, Li; Guo, Zhenhua. Stability of boundary layer to an outflow problem for a compressible non-Newtonian fluid in the half space. Acta Math. Sci. Ser. B (Engl. Ed.) 39(2019),no. 1, 259283.

[5]Fang, Li; Kong, Xiaojing; Liu, Jinjing. Weak solution to a one-dimensional full compressible non-Newtonian fluid. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 41(2018),no. 9, 34413462.

[6]Fang, Li; Guo, Zhenhua. Zero dissipation limit to rarefaction wave with vacuum for a one-dimensional compressible non-Newtonian fluid. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 16(2017),no. 1, 209242.

[7]Fang, Li; Guo, Zhenhua. Global well-posedness of strong solutions to the two-dimensional barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with vacuum. Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 67(2016),no. 2, Art. 22, 27 pp.

[8]Fang, Li; Guo, Zhenhua. Analytical solutions to a class of non-Newtonian fluids with free boundaries. J. Math. Phys. 53(2012),no. 10, 103701, 11 pp.

[9]Wang, Meili; Fang, Li; Ji, Guoxing. Linear maps preserving idempotency of products or triple Jordan products of operators. Linear Algebra Appl. 429(2008),no. 1, 181189.

[10]Fang, Li; Ji, Guoxing; Pang, Yongfeng. Maps preserving the idempotency of products of operators. Linear Algebra Appl. 426(2007),no. 1, 4052.

[11]Fang, Li; Ji, Guoxing. Linear maps preserving products of positive or Hermitian matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. 419(2006),no. 2-3, 601611.

[12]Fang, Li; Li, Qi Hui; Du, Hong Ke. Uniqueness of the n-th roots of operators. (Chinese) Acta Math. Sinica (Chinese Ser.) 48(2005),no. 6, 11311136.

